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Give what People Really Need this Christmas

Give What People Need This Christmas

Getting gifts for loved ones can be exciting, but let’s face it; it’s also nerve-wracking and can quickly become expensive. The pressure to find the perfect gift, stay within budget, and impress everyone can drain the joy right out of the season. But what if, this year, you tried something different? Something less stressful, more thoughtful, and truly meaningful.

A Stress-Free Secret Santa

One great way to simplify gift-giving is organizing a Secret Santa gift exchange with friends, family, or coworkers. Set a price range, both a minimum and maximum, to keep things fair and affordable. This way, everyone focuses on one thoughtful gift instead of spending time and money on multiple presents. It’s also a fun way to add an element of surprise and creativity to the holidays!

Ask, Don’t Assume

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the excitement of gift shopping that we forget to ask the simplest question: What do you really need this year? Not everyone needs another sweater, gadget, or candle. Take a moment to ask your loved ones what would truly make a difference for them this Christmas.

You might be surprised by their answers. Maybe it’s something practical like helping with groceries, paying a utility bill, or contributing toward rent. These gifts may not be flashy, but they can bring incredible relief and gratitude.

Think Beyond the Material

Gifts don’t always have to come in shiny wrapping paper. This year, think outside the box and offer something that can’t be bought in a store. For example:

  • Help a friend with their utilities or rent. This kind of support can be life-changing if you know someone who’s had a tough year financially.
  • Offer your time as a babysitter. For parents, a kid-free night (or weekend!) can feel like the ultimate luxury. Plan an evening where you care for the kids while they enjoy a night out or some well-earned rest.

The Gift of Connection

If the past year felt like a return to a simpler “baby boomer” era—lots of family dinners, reconnecting with old friends, and focusing on what matters most—lean into that vibe. Instead of giving physical gifts, plan experiences that strengthen your relationships. Host a cozy game night, bake cookies together, or even volunteer as a group to give back to your community.


This Christmas, let’s focus on giving what matters. Whether it’s practical support, shared time, or a heartfelt gesture, your gifts don’t have to be expensive to be meaningful. The best gifts are the ones that make life a little easier, a little brighter, and a lot more joyful for the people you care about.

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays